Intelagard’s superior CAFS use both trigger-activated non-pressurized pumps to mix air and fluid on demand and proprietary Envirohield® technology to create a uniform foam blanket with a unique bubble structure optimized for fire suppression and decontamination. This American-made industry-leading engineering empowers all Intelagard CAFS with unrivaled advantages, such as:
Foam that clings to walls and ceilings, and all vertical and inverted surfaces, allowing for long contact time for remediation or decontamination
Engineered to optimize performance of Crystal Clean®, EasyDECON DF200 and other decontamination foams.
SwiftCAF Sprayer System Product Features
Shoots foam that will cling to vertical and inverted surfaces, minimizing runoff
Powered by air cylinder or air compressor
Turns 5 gallons of liquid into 125 gallons of finished foam